Are You Ready
To Go Green?

I’ll teach you how to become a green pro and ditch the eco-guilt. Live a lifestyle that feels fulfilled, purposeful and aligned with what you and the planet truly need.

Green Living Academy Great Green Transformation Founder Manja

You Might Have Seen Me On

Zero Waste e.V. Berlin Feature - Green  Green Living Academy
Airbnb Vegan Food and Sustainability Tour - Green Living Tour Berlin - Green Living Academy
German Federal Association for Sustainability Award Feature - Green Living Academy
Earth Minutes Feature - Green Living Academy



How Green Is Your Life?

Don’t sweat it - all our green journeys look different and we all react differently to change. Take the quiz to determine what green-living-level you’re on. After completion you’ll get customized green tips that fit your lifestyle + personality type and get you to the next level of your green journey.


The Great Green Transformation™

Your complete online step-by-step transformation program to live an impactful yet effortless green lifestyle in the city

Green Living Academy The Great Green Transformation Founder Manja


Hey you!

I’m Manja, a Harvard-certified environmental educator and founder of the Green Tour in Berlin. A few years ago I went from feeling guilty and overwhelmed by what I was doing or rather not doing for the planet (with no clue what actually made a difference) to a fulfilled, purposeful and extremely happy green lifestyle and I’m here to do the same for you.



“Manja is the green friend you never knew your heart needed!

She provides so much insight, speaking from her heart and in the most non-judgy fashion. You can really tell that she is there to spread the knowledge that she has learned - not to convince you to change your life, but to give you a chance to envision the world through a new lens.”

— Kiawna, California USA

“Honestly, I learn so much from Manja. I’m always sending people to her page! She’s fantastic!”

— Dee, Barcelona Spain

Manja is truly one of the greatest gifts to the planet. This woman is so passionate and educated on the world and the direction it’s headed. I can’t imagine my future impact on the planet, had I not come across her page. She has transformed my understanding of the big green ecoverse.

— Caitlin, Gold Coast Australia

“I learned a lot! Manja is super easy to talk to and very knowledgeable about various topics around sustainability and their applications. Can only recommend!”

— Georg, Freiburg Germany

Manja has an incredible knowledge and gave me the feeling of being welcome at any time. At any time I could ask questions, which were answered very comprehensively.

— Saskia, Hilden Germany

Vegan Tour Berlin

Want to explore green living offline? Then join our tour here in Berlin to taste the most amazing food in the vegan capital of Europe while you learn about fair fashion, zero waste and much more.

On The Blog

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