How To Shop Low Waste At An Ordinary Supermarket – 5 Ultimate Tips
Want to reduce your waste but zero waste sounds like a bit too much? Then here are 5 ultimate tips on how to shop low waste at an ordinary supermarket.
Reading Time: 9 minutes
Can I Be A Part-Time Vegan?
Eating more plants is good for your health, the environment and the animals. But does it have to be 100% vegan / plant-based or is changing some habits enough and how do you start incorporating more plants in your everyday life?
Reading Time: 7 minutes
DIY Laundry Detergent from Chestnuts — Cheap, Plastic-free And Eco-friendly
Washing with chestnuts! Read the step by step guide and watch the video tutorial to see how easy it is to make an eco-friendly & zero waste laundry detergent with just 1 ingredient. FAQ included!
Reading Time: 5 minutes